

Yibo is an inspiring singer. Since 2019, he has published a new song for his fans each year as a New Year’s gift. Yibo never ceases to surprise his fans with his every performance because he has not once used the same idea twice. Which is Yibo’s best stage? The next!

2022-Stand Up was not only performed at Hunan TV’s annual New Year’s party but was also presented at the Beijing Winter Olympic games, further more, as a gift to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Handover of Hong Kong.

2021-No sense(second version), this song has two versions, this is the second version, a sexy version.

2021-The Rules of My World,除了湖南卫视跨年晚会,也呈现在抖音心动之夜(Douyin Star Night)

2020-Versace on the Floor, sexy but elegant.

2020-Dragon Fist

2020-No Sense


2017-Just Dance,《Just Dance》是王一博为第四届炫舞节献唱的主题曲,也出现在2021年冬奥会的赛场上。

Wang Yibo‘s Stunning Stages (2017-2021)